Make money from PPI Marketing?

Page 7: Websites selling us ebooks on how to make money with PPI marketing

What they promise

They promise that you will be able to make lots of money through PPI. They claim that if you just follow their simple and one time methods, you can make lots of money from PPI OR Pay Per Installs.

How does it work?

They will recommend you to register for free with a PPI website that they are affiliated with, and obtain a software or program from them. After that, they will show you how to obtain current famous softwares and combine the two together and distribute them through different mediums. Each time someone downloads and installs their software, you will earn a small fee. Only people from certain countries that install them will be calculated into your fee. It depends on the requirements and rules from the company that you registered with.

The dangers of buying from them.

The main danger here is that you will just waste your money. These information and techniques on PPI techniques are available for free from many other sources if you look hard enough. These methods used to work before, but they do not work anymore. That is the reason why many people are selling this information now. Besides, these are not any normal softwares that you are promoting. I will explain more about it in the next page which has to do with those PPI Companies.

Who would benefit buying from them

I am afraid that no one will benefit from buying from them. All those information can be obtained for free. But even if you obtain the information and guide for free, it is a useless piece of information. The techniques and methods used for PPI marketing are now obsolete as I will show you in the next page.


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